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Coaster of the Month: Michael Myles

Whilst living on Weeton Barracks in 2020, Michael was introduced to Lee Geraghty, the Foundation’s Armed Forces Support Officer. Lee was able to sign-post Michael to the Veterans’ Football Project, where Michael was not only able to meet like-minded people and receive wellbeing support, but also improve his fitness levels.

Michael has since accessed a number of Armed Forces Support projects, such as the Veterans’ Café and Veterans’ Social. When the Foundation announced its’ Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge, due to take place in June 2023, Michael was keen to sign up and support the Foundation in its fundraising efforts.

Wanting to find ways to further improve his fitness in preparation for the event, Michael was signposted to the Fit Fylde project, which launched in January 2023. Michael said, “The Foundation have been great in supporting me with my own personal goals, such as wanting to find like-minded people, and access help with my mental wellbeing. Lee has been fantastic in helping me adjust to life away from the Armed Forces, assisting me in finding employment and just making sure that I am able to chat to him about anything that’s on my mind. It was important for me to be able to support the Foundation the way that they have supported me.

“Fit Fylde has been a fantastic way for me to improve my fitness, with [Foundation Health and Wellbeing Officer] George providing engaging and insightful weekly sessions, that give me ideas of ways to keep fit in my day-to-day life, and advice on how I can make easy, healthy meals for myself and my family.

“The main thing I have taken from both the Armed Forces projects and Fit Fylde is that the Foundation really are there to support you; they create a safe space for people to come along and get help without feeling embarrassed, whether it be for physical or mental wellbeing. They work with you to understand your goals, and support you in finding ways to achieve this.”

Fit Fylde is a twelve-week health and wellbeing project, open to males and females aged 18 and over. The project is funded by Fylde Borough Council, Lancashire County Council and the EFL Trust, and provides a 45-minute workshop on nutrition and healthy lifestyles, followed by 45 minutes of exercise suited to all fitness levels and abilities.

Following the success of the first cohort, the Foundation is delighted to extend its provision, with cohorts running in May, August and November 2023 at AFC Fylde Mill Farm Stadium. If you would like to sign up for the project, or to find out more information, please visit, email or call 01772 598 856.

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